July 31, 2004
« Puddle Scum »

I may be an intern for Cumulus Broadcasting and therefore endorse and represent all sponsors associated with its radio stations, but I just have to get this out—Club Rain is one of the dumbest places in Toledo.

I was there for one reason and one reason alone—they asked me to go there, and I really wanted those free Kansas tickets, so I did my best impression of a spineless intern who wants to jump through hoops for access to a good band.

It's just a night club, and last night they had "Rock Fight," sort of a battle-of-the-bands type competition, only all of the punk bands think screaming into the mic is considered talent.

Meanwhile, they blasted techno music and had a couple of cage dancers wiggle their fannies (did I just say wiggle their fannies?) as the 106.5 DJ called-in every half hour telling people what a crazy scene it was. The sorry conclusion was that the bouncers were probably the coolest people at the club. Save that of the cage dancers, the patrons didn't match the dance music, but they fit right in with the crappy bands, one of which will eventually win $5,000 for being the lamest white people in Toledo.

If you're considering Club Rain as a night destination ... well, don't. You're better off staying at home and playing the demo songs from your Yamaha keyboard and watching BET at night—essentially, it's the same, only you can hear yourself think at home.

Time to end this post on a high note—it was fun hydroplaning the 106.5 The Zone van from Headliner's to downtown Toledo.

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