June 04, 2004
« Fahrenheit H*R »

They look good as Siamese twins.

Which one's Pom Pom and which one's Michael Moore?

(Since I don't have photoshop, I did this using a combination of Microangelo's
screen capture (from the Homestar Runner for Pom Pom), Microsoft Paint and Macromedia Flash MX... but it was worth it.)

If only fat boy's new movie trailer could load as efficiently as he jiggles when he runs. I honestly do want to see the trailer.

And somehow, in the midst of finding a Michael Moore picture, I stumbled onto this blog that has some great Photoshopped political humor pics. Personally, this picture was my personal favorite in the little time I spent on it.

I'll be gone until Sunday as I visit Carlisle, OH, with a stopover in Troy. Apparently my goal is to not see a black person all weekend.

But if you must have something to occupy yourself until then, may I suggest this site.

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