May 10, 2004
« In the future, Kinko's will let you apply in person »

This past weekend I made a reference to the book "Into the Forest" after we left a Radio Shack whose computer was down and was checking out customers by hand receipt. It made me think of two things.

1) Back at PRSCO that's how they do it normally.

2) I actually never did read "Into the Forest," despite the fact that it was required once for Chapman Learning Community and once for ENG 150R. I do know a lot about the book because I am good at piggybacking off others' discussions and pretending I know what I'm talking about. Hey, 75 columns in the BG News can't be all expert analysis!

So what would we do when technology freaks out on us?

We murder innocent people.

Last night I was on my computer applying to Kinko's when the power goes out. Bear in mind it's a very long application and took me about 30 minutes to complete, including looking up phone numbers.

However, I thought that the storm was by me, and that lightning didn't strike twice (zing!) Too bad it did, and this time I was about 30 seconds away from completing the application. However this time the electricity mocked me. It was off for about a second, which was just enough to shut my computer off. Everything else turned back on except my computer.

Lisa: "Look at the wonders of the computer age now!"
Homer: "Wonders, Lisa, or blunders?"
Lisa: "I think that was implied by what I said!"
Homer: "Implied, Lisa? Or implode?
Lisa: "Mom, make him stop!"

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